Dear Customers and Friends,
We hope that you, your families and your staff members are remaining safe and taking all precautions to curb the spread of Covid-19 and, hopefully, shorten the timeframe until we can all return to more usual operations. We are doing all we can to assist businesses and individuals who are adversely impacted.
On behalf of small business owners, have been gathering information and interpreting guidance from the SBA on the Paycheck Protection Program. Contrary to media reports and political speeches, the SBA has still not finalized the details and fully opened application channels, although some additional information was published Thursday evening. Please understand that all of us, including our partners at SBA, are working on a nationwide program that was created within the past week.
We have developed our program to process your applications and we have “All Hands On Deck” to assist you in getting access to these funds as quickly as possible. We are testing application submissions to SBA this afternoon, and we will be working through the weekend to process applications and, hopefully, submissions. Although we understand that the SBA process will be efficient, they are not well equipped to handle the volume of applications, so we do not know how long the it will take for submitted applications to be cleared for funding. Please be patient, and, together, we will get this accomplished.
As guidance has changed, we have revised our application package and documentation requirements. The latest package is available on our website at If you are receiving this via email, the application package is also attached. We encourage small businesses to apply for funding under this program and we stand ready to assist you.