Dear Customers and Friends:
At Citizens Bank, our highest priorities are the health and safety of our customers and staff, and the well-being of the communities we serve.
In response to growing concerns regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus, we are following information and prevention recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), and the World Health Organization (WHO). According to information provided by the CDC, the coronavirus's presence is currently limited, with approximately 1,000 cases reported in the United States and 31 suspected cases in the state of Georgia as of March 11, 2020. While the overall immediate health risk from coronavirus remains low, we want to follow recommendations in order to help contain the spread of this virus and keep our communities safe.
Therefore, we have implemented cautionary changes to our normal operations. These changes are designed to ensure that we can provide uninterrupted banking service to you while protecting our staff members, their families, and all customers.
The changes to normal operations include:
Increased cleaning and disinfecting efforts in our branches, with particular attention to door handles, teller counters and other high traffic areas
Providing appropriate protective tools for our staff, such as gloves for our tellers who handle cash or have exposure to other surfaces and hand sanitizer for staff and customers
Conducting training on tactics to reduce the probability of exposure to the virus
Testing operating capabilities which ensure that transactions can be processed and that banking functions can be performed by employees from remote locations, if necessary
Because symptoms may not be evident for days after infection, exposure to Coronavirus may be difficult to determine. The most effective way to protect ourselves from infection is to limit contact with others. Therefore, we are modifying normal customs and emphasizing the use of non-contact transaction channels including:
As always, we will speak and greet with a smile, but we will avoid handshakes for now
We are limiting personal visits and favoring telephone calls
We are limited larger group gatherings and unnecessary travel
We are asking customers who have any symptoms of illness (fatigue, cough, heavy congestion, fever within the past 3 days, shortness of breath, any flu-like symptoms), who are caring for others who have such symptoms, or who have traveled outside the US within the past 14 days, to please not enter our branches. Please use our drive-up facilities, call the bank for assistance, or utilize the following service options:
Internet Banking-- All transaction and balance information, funds transfers and recent statements are accessible through this portal. Customers can also pay bills using the Bill Pay function and communicate securely with us through this system. Please log in, sign up through our website at, or call the bank for assistance
Mobile Banking-- Most of the capabilities of our Internet Banking platform are available via our mobile banking app on your mobile device. You may download the app from the App Store or Google Play by searching CB Mobile GA (not case sensitive), or call the bank for assistance
Mobile Deposit Capture--Deposits can be made directly to your account via the mobile app. Just follow the instructions for initial setup or call the bank for assistance
Please be assured that we will work with customers who experience hardships due to the effects of this outbreak.
In addition, it is very important that customers remain vigilant and cautious of those who might seize the opportunity to fraudulently take advantage of this situation. Requests for personal information, which would be out of the ordinary under normal circumstances, should not be complied with.
Thank you in advance for working with us to provide uninterrupted banking services safely and efficiently while protecting our community. We will keep you informed if other procedural changes become necessary.
We appreciate your confidence and thank you for banking with “The Bank of Choice.”